Teddy Berkeley


Are you looking to improve your health?

Need support with your nutrition and lifestyle choices?

Our aim is to help you feel great again!

Berkeley Nutrition Blueberries
Berkeley Nutrition Blueberries

A holistic approach to your health.

At Berkeley Nutrition we consider all aspects of your health and wellness with the aim of helping you to feel great again.

We look at key areas of health to assess where you are currently and where you would like to be.

It is important to consider the person as well as their environment when looking to improve health, as this will enable us to focus on the root cause of the issue and allow us to make the necessary and relevant changes.

Are you confused by all of the conflicting information surrounding health and nutrition?

You are not alone.

The world of nutrition is complex and ever changing. It is all too easy to become overwhelmed and lose hope before you have even started your journey to health.

Berkeley Nutrition is here to help you navigate through the noise and offer a personalised approach to nutrition and lifestyle.

We aim to address the root cause of the issue through analysing your medical history, symptoms, environment, diet and lifestyle. Functional testing may also be considered to help paint a more complete picture. This will enable us to develop a bespoke plan to help you optimise your health and provide the tools you need to thrive.

We can support you in a number of areas.

Digestive issues
Energy and fatigue
Hormonal imbalances
Weight management
Stress management
Immune health
Reproductive health

About Teddy Berkeley.

Teddy started his journey with nutrition like many others.

He was experiencing unpleasant and disruptive symptoms that he hadn’t considered could be related to his diet. After becoming despondent with the traditional avenues available to him, Teddy began his own research into what could be causing his problem.

Following a period of keeping a food diary, Teddy realised there were certain foods and drinks that could bring on symptoms. This led to him diving head first down the rabbit hole of nutrition, eventually concluding that he may have a histamine intolerance.

Following a low histamine diet drastically reduced his symptoms and sparked his interest in the profound effect nutrition and lifestyle changes can have on overall wellbeing. Teddy went on to study Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and graduated in 2020.

Teddy now has a passion for helping people improve the quality of their life through nutrition and lifestyle by providing an evidence-based and results-driven service.


Health 'MOT'.

Nutrition and Functional Health Assessment
Initial Consultation (90mins) plus a Follow Up (60mins)
Access to discounted Supplements and Testing
Email support throughout

Fundamental Health Program.

(Over 12 Weeks)
Nutrition and Functional Health Assessment
Initial Consultation (90mins) plus 2 Follow Ups (2 x 60mins)
Biweekly Check-ins (20 mins)
Access to discounted Supplements and Testing
Analysis of Blood Work and Testing (if applicable)
Email Support Throughout
Healthy Berries

Get in touch to book a discovery call today.


Teddy helped me identify the foods that caused me severe bloating through a trial and elimination period and then re-introduction and I have been able to avoid those trigger foods since. My bloating has dramatically improved and does not impact on my day to day life anymore. I no longer experience stomach pains after eating either. He also flagged that I wasn’t eating enough protein in my diet which has increased my overall energy massively.

Felt a lot more energised and managed to avoid spikes/troughs throughout the day. Felt fuller for longer, less bloated, lost a bit of weight but that wasn’t the aim – just an added bonus. My overall digestions has definitely improved.

I have recommended Teddy to several friends already! He is very professional and creates a really safe space to talk about anything that might be troubling you. He is very knowledgeable about nutrition but is also really understanding about different lifestyles and what’s realistic to implement. Would recommend 10/10!

I would recommend Teddy to a friend as he was very thorough and knowledgeable. Follow-ups were really detailed and I feel I have greatly benefited from implementing his recommendations.

Ted is a great listener so he is able to get to the root of the problem, even if you’re not quite sure what you want out of the conversation but just know you need some support. I didn’t know a huge amount about nutrition going into it, but Ted made the whole thing pretty simple and showed me that even small, lasting changes can make a huge difference.